Globetrotting Milieu



Tourism is travel for recreation leisure , family or business purpose ,generally countries having rick heritage , tradition , ancient civilization  economic growth are the centres of tourism.
The world has become a global village and to promote this best to travel MAMS introduced UK, EGYPT, SRI LANKA, GERMANY &CHINA to their proteegues under the ISA project. The student studied the facts, statistics of their countries and prepared  brochers , role plays , PPT and itinerary.
Being our of the biggest service industry in india with a contribution of 6.23% to the nationalGDP and 8.73 of the total employment, it was indeed a great learning experience for all. Just as DAM ELDON started “the journey of these young minds have just begeen…. 



Activity 4 :- Display Board

Class Involved :- V & IV
Description :-Students of class IV displayed their artistic abilities when they drafted lovely brochures on the given countries China, Egypt, Germany, Sri Lanka and United Kingdom under the ISA activity 4 - Globetrotting Milieu.Their work was displayed on the PTM 

Class V proved their mettel by analysing the architecture of the chosen countries - China, Germany, Egypt, Sri Lanka and United Kingdom  with India under ISA activity 4 Globe Trotting Milieu

Activity 5 :- Book Mark

Class Involved :- V & IV

Description :-Book Mark activity was conducted. Children made colourful bookmarks of Sri Lanka. This was done in collaboration with Sri Lanka.


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